Basic knowledge

Mantaro End of Service AnnouncementWe regret to announce that Mantaro is ending service on March 1st, 2024 due to financial issues. You can read more about it on The service will no longer be available after March 1st, 2024. Thanks you so much for your continued support! In this page we seek to cover the most basic commands to get you started with the currency system.

Credits - Where to start

There are many ways of getting credits in Mantaro. However, we believe that the following commands are good places for you to get started. Daily The command that's most likely to be your first currency command is /daily , which you can run every 24 hours for a base of 150$. However, if you run daily consecutively every 24 hours your streak will increase eventually gaining your more money up to a cap of 1000$ as well as a random crate every multiple of 20 and a Magical Watch every multiple of 50.Failing to collect your daily for 50+ hours results in your streak getting reset to 0. These 50 hours are doubled for every magical watch you own (the needed amount of watches will be consumed automatically).You can also give the money to someone else (will not affect your streak) yielding them ever so slightly more. To do so simply mention them while running the command. Loot Loot is another command which can be used to gain easy credits. You can run it using /loot every ~5 minutes which can yield credits and/or items (more credits than normal when a user is basics/premium-perks Premium).In certain conditions you can even find unique items.Take a look at our currency/items Item Documentation page if you want to find out what exact drops you can get. Market The market is the place to go for buying or selling your items. For starters, you can use /market buyable to bring up a list of all the items you can buy. You can use the arrow reactions to navigate through the different pages.You can use the following commands to buy or sell items:/buy item: [name of the item] amount: [amount of items you want to buy] /sell item: [name of the item] amount: [amount of items you want to buy] Additionally, you can view a specific item's sell and buy price with:/market price item: [name] You can also get rid of items completely (for instance if they can't be sold) with:/dump amount: [amount] item: [name] Profile Your profile is your main point in the currency system. It will display your top items, your balance and a bunch more. To view your profile simply use:/profile show To check someone else's profile use:/profile show user: [mention] You can also right-click on someone's name, then click on Apps and finally on Show currency profile to also see their profile.Your profile has many things you can customize. Here's a few of them:Description: To change your description around you can use:/profile description description: [your description] Display Badge: To change your display badge you can use:/badges display badge: [badge name] Note: Of course, you need to have the badge you want to display, but we'll get into that later.Timezone: To change your timezone you can use:/profile timezone timezone: [your timezone] Widgets: This option is basics/premium-perks Premium only. With this you can change around the order of how things show up on your profile, or keep them from showing up at all. To get instructions on how to use it, use:/profile widgets Birthday: To change your birthday you can use:/birthday set date: [dd-MM] You can also view all sorts of stats involving your activity in Currency using/profile stats Finally, you can change the language in which Mantaro answers you using/profile language lang: [language code] Note: You can use /mantaro language for more information. Balance Here is where you can check out your current balance. While your balance also shows up in your profile, sometimes you just want to check without all the other information showing up.To check how many credits you have on your balance use:/balance Inventory Here is where you can check out all your items. Your profile will only show your top items, so here is the place to check all those items you have. To check your item list use:/inventory show If you want a simpler version you can also use:/inventory brief

Tools - Where to start

The commands you just learned will help you get started out. However, they won't be enough for what's to come. For that, the next thing to learn is about tools. There are many tools available, each with different tiers, but for now we will focus on the 3 most basic tools: pickaxe, fishing rod and axe. Tier: Durability: 40 Obtained from: Market, Mine Crates A normal pickaxe you bought on the local market. Seems sturdy enough to mine some stuff. Tier: Durability: 40 Obtained from: Market, Fish Treasure A rod you bought at your local fishing market. Looks sturdy. Tier: Durability: 35 Obtained from: Market, Chop Crate A normal axe you bought on the local market. Good enough to chop some trees down. These 3 basic tools are always available for you to buy at the market. As you progress you will be able to create better tools. Durability Most tools at your disposal have a durability value. As you use your tools, this value will continue to drop until your tool breaks. Durability changes across each type of tool and its different tiers, meaning better tools have more durability.When your tool does break it will disappear. However, if the tool that broke has a broken item version, then you have ~80% chance of getting the broken version back. Not all tools have a broken version.After equipping your tools (see next section), you can check their durability by using:/profile stats Equip and Unequip To keep going forward first off you will need to equip your new tools. To equip one of your tools you can use:/equip item: [tool name] If you want to unequip one of your tools you can use/unequip item: <tool type> Do bear in mind that the durability of the item you are unequipping comes into play here as well. If your item has not been used (has 100% durability) you will recover your item when unequipped. However, if you have used the item then two things can happen:If the tool you are unequipping has a broken version, then you will get the broken version back. If the tool you are unequipping doesn't have a broken version, then the tool will be lost, and you will get back some credits instead. Mine Required Tool: Any Pickaxe.When you use /mine you will go mining to get credits and/or items. The better the pickaxe you use the more credits you will get, and the better chances you will have of finding items. Some items can only be found depending on the quality of your tool. Each time you mine you will get anywhere from 1 to 4 Mining EXP.Take a look at our currency/items Item Documentation page if you want to find out what exact drops you can get. Fish Required Tool: Any Fishing rod.When you use /fish you will go fishing to get credits and/or items. The better the fishing rod you use the more credits you will get, and the better chances you will have of finding items. Some items can only be found depending on the quality of your tool. Each time you mine you will get anywhere from 1 to 4 Fishing EXP. Take a look at our currency/items Item Documentation page if you want to find out what exact drops you can get. Chop Required Tool: Any Axe.When you use /chop you will go chopping trees to get credits and/or items. The better the axe you use the more credits you will get, and the better chances you will have of finding items. Some items can only be found depending on the quality of your tool. Each time you mine you will get anywhere from 1 to 4 Chopping EXP. Take a look at our currency/items Item Documentation page if you want to find out what exact drops you can get.